Believe me when I tell you . . .

I am lost, and you are, too. If you don't know that you are lost, then I am a little less lost than you, for at least I know that I do not know where I am, whereas you persist in striding confidently from you-know-not-where into you-know-not-what.

It is only when we recognize our essential lostness that we come to see that much finding is shamming, most security is trickery, for there is no shame in not knowing, only shame in falsity.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Every snowflake is unique,
The singular result
Of all the environmental agents
Acting around and upon the instant of
Its birth beneath a cloud.

(I take the speaker at their word,
neither knowing the how nor having the will
to dispute such an unqualified assertion.

I set the question aside and accept -
It's all that I am able to do.)

Pushed to the left or the right
On shifting winds that carry
Some aloft rising past others
Fast finding the packed
Ranks of the fallen,

Each one no doubt asserts
The importance of identity
In carving one's own way
In our wintery descent
Through life.

(And yet I will ask
of what possible practical use
is being unique when in the end
they all act the same?)

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