Believe me when I tell you . . .

I am lost, and you are, too. If you don't know that you are lost, then I am a little less lost than you, for at least I know that I do not know where I am, whereas you persist in striding confidently from you-know-not-where into you-know-not-what.

It is only when we recognize our essential lostness that we come to see that much finding is shamming, most security is trickery, for there is no shame in not knowing, only shame in falsity.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I think of you

I think of you throughout the day,
I think about you late at night
I think about you when I'm hungry
Or when my trousers feel too tight.
I think of the curve your lips have
I consider your waist and hip
I pause to ponder that scar of yours
As I hunger for your lip.
Your eyes dance fierce and bright
My dear, your laugh sings high and strong
I only think of you, my dear,
When I think how life is long.