Believe me when I tell you . . .

I am lost, and you are, too. If you don't know that you are lost, then I am a little less lost than you, for at least I know that I do not know where I am, whereas you persist in striding confidently from you-know-not-where into you-know-not-what.

It is only when we recognize our essential lostness that we come to see that much finding is shamming, most security is trickery, for there is no shame in not knowing, only shame in falsity.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What is to be said of the Chinese film?
It is full of colors in every frame.
The cinematography is impeccable.
It ends in death for every person.
Every army wears a different color, and all are magnificent.
Each character betrays another:
One of love of daughter
One of love of mother
One of love of lover
One of love of life;

But the end is this:
the emperor knows best
and punishes incest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...