Believe me when I tell you . . .

I am lost, and you are, too. If you don't know that you are lost, then I am a little less lost than you, for at least I know that I do not know where I am, whereas you persist in striding confidently from you-know-not-where into you-know-not-what.

It is only when we recognize our essential lostness that we come to see that much finding is shamming, most security is trickery, for there is no shame in not knowing, only shame in falsity.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Best and Worst

In honor of my friend Max, whose life and writings should serve as an example to all whose keels sometimes roll sidewise, I am taking a page from his book, and pausing to ponder the best and worst things that comprise my life. Drumroll, please . . .

(Note to any and all - ok - probably any, because very few people ever read my gibberish - the followng list is likely to be under construction for some time, as I doubt I can honestly come up with 10 things in either category without a lot of thought.)

10 Best things about my life (in its present incarnation)

10. Sunshine
9. Languages
8. Travelling
7. My job(s)
6. The internet
5. Books
4. Living out of the US
3. Excellent food
2. Friends
1. Cynthia

10 Worst things about my life (in its current stage)

poking my shit with a stick every morning
Polish food
Polish students
Not having all the money I want
No scuba diving
Inability to speak Polish
Rejecting people
Making friends
No good wine
No sunshine

Gotta go - more later

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